New Kershisnik Art "Fall Coming Like Three Sisters"

American artist Brian Kershisnik's original oil paintings sell for $50,000 +.
 He's deserving of serious props.

It's hard to believe that Kershisnik never considered being an artist in his early years. "I liked to draw," he says. "But I don't think I was particularly good at it. I just had an interest in it."

Brian Kershisnik's family lived and traveled all over the world and he says he hopes to continue doing so; but says it has been in the isolation of rural Utah that his

'vision has had a chance to grow'.

Brian Kershisnik is an American, contemporary, impressionistic artist who is worthy of celebrating.

I'm pleased to tell you however that the Something Beautiful Shoppe makes available to you, a limited number of giclee prints, signed and numbered by the Artist, at reasonable prices.  To see more information about this new art print piece, "Fall Coming Like Three Sisters," click here.

A Bonus For You Heirloom Tomato Tart Recipe

By: White On Rice Couple, Todd Porter and Diana Cu, White On Rice Couple Stories Of Food.
Travel. Life. Photography.

The Tart Dough includes:
  • sliced fresh tomatoes
  • pesto sauce
  • sliced medium onion
  • goat cheese
  • thyme
  • sea salt
  • fresh cracked black pepper
The Pesto Sauce ingredients include:
  • pinenuts
  • walnut halves
  • peppercorns
  • garlic cloves
  • freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • fresh lemon juice
  • sea salt
  • olive oil
The above photo and recipe are copyrights on White On Rice.  Click here to see the complete recipe for the Heirloom Tomato Tart, by the White On Rice Couple.  Thank you to the White On Rice Couple.

For more about art articles, you may want to peruse the following:
More Articles About Art And Artwork

"Decorating My Home Journal Entry:  My Studio Apartment (Small, Temporary, Pretty)"
"Art Objects Make Room Come Alive"
"Posters As Art"
"Robert Doisneau, Famous "The Kiss" Photo & His Frank & Humorous Depictions Of 1950's French Life"
"Decorating With Art And Objects D'Art"
"Decorating My Home Journal Entry:  Santa Fe Meets Chic Style - Update of Decorative Painting"
"Decorating My Home Journal Entry:  Master Bedroom Paint Color - Da Da Da Dahhhh!"
"Walls As Art"
"Decorating My Home Journal Entry:  My Loft Apartment - Rockford, IL"
"Design Art - Brad Pitt & Marc Jacobs ( & We) Can Enjoy The Style"
"Chalkboard Art"
Also see my Pinterest Board, "Alternate Art Forms (Chalkboards, Paste On Murals, Random Other Stuff) & Decor"

Decorating My Dreamhouse - Carmel, California

In my current Something Beautiful Journal entry, "Decorating A Dreamhouse," I'm imagining that I'm living in this Carmel Highlands, California house built in 1918 of native stone in Arts and Crafts style. 

The D. L. James House, as it is named, is a monument unique in the United States.

The stone structure seems to have grown out of its site atop the rocky cliffs.  It is difficult at some places to " . . . ascertain just where nature's rock has ended and man's masonry genius has begun," — Randell L. Makinson. Greene & Greene: "Architecture as a Fine Art".  Architects: Green & Green.

You can search the world with attempts to find venues that are as incredibly dynamic and yet so quaint and picturesque as Carmel, nestled in a pine forest above a spectacular white-sand beach.

It's some nice real estate.

We're going inside now, so join me as I decorate my Carmel, California Dreamhouse.

 Article continued, click to continue reading.

A Something Beautiful Thought

The Best Way To Predict The Future Is To Make It.