Decorating My Dreamhouse - Carmel, California

In my current Something Beautiful Journal entry, "Decorating A Dreamhouse," I'm imagining that I'm living in this Carmel Highlands, California house built in 1918 of native stone in Arts and Crafts style. 

The D. L. James House, as it is named, is a monument unique in the United States.

The stone structure seems to have grown out of its site atop the rocky cliffs.  It is difficult at some places to " . . . ascertain just where nature's rock has ended and man's masonry genius has begun," — Randell L. Makinson. Greene & Greene: "Architecture as a Fine Art".  Architects: Green & Green.

You can search the world with attempts to find venues that are as incredibly dynamic and yet so quaint and picturesque as Carmel, nestled in a pine forest above a spectacular white-sand beach.

It's some nice real estate.

We're going inside now, so join me as I decorate my Carmel, California Dreamhouse.

 Article continued, click to continue reading.

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