Art That Modifies Human Behavior + Guacamole Grilled Cheese Sandwich Bonus Recipe

What happens when we can both see and fuse with an element of beauty? Exceptional moments in time occur. 

Saying this energy is unique is an enormous understatement. There are numerous styles of art that reflect efforts to enlarge those exceptional energy opportunities, including art that modifies social behavior. This is my favorite.

The First Stencil

"Before I Die Project," by Candy Chang

Candy Chang, a Taiwanese American artist interested in relationships between public spaces and personal well being created, "Before I Die." Initially started to invite people to reflect on their lives and share their personal aspirations in a public space, Chang's "BID" has gone beyond those limitations.


Universally, stoics and other philosophers encourage regularly contemplating death as a powerful tool to restore perspective and remind us of the things that make our lives meaningful. 

Since Chang's first "BID" project, over 500 Before I Die walls have been created in over 60 countries and 30 languages by passionate people around the world. St. Martin's Press recently published her book about the project, click here to see Candy Chang's book, "Before I Die."  For more more about the artist herself,  click here.

Candy Chang received a Masters in Urban Planning from Columbia University and a BS in Architecture and a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Michigan. 

She believes public spaces are as profound as we allow them to be and have much more potential to help us make sense of the beauty and tragedy of life with the people around us.

Artist Banksy melds street-fighting passion and pacifist ardor in his image of a protester whose Molotov cocktail morphs into a bouquet of flowers. (Pixelbully/Alamy)


Banksy is a graffiti master, painter, activist, filmmaker and all purpose provocateur. His graffiti art has been inducted into

the Smithsonian

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