Kitchen Lighting Styles And Trends + Pesto Pasta Bonus Recipe

The latest kitchen trend isn't a trend or a style - it's a 'livability'.

Since function is the key, primary element in designing kitchen space anyways, this makes sticking to the the fundamentals of vital importance.

Of the many design essentials in creating your extremely livable kitchen, ample light and lighting are requisites. What's more, proper layering of this design element is critical in assuring that you achieve the look you desire and, one that 'lives well'. 

How sweet it is!

In kitchen lighting there are five primary types:  1. recessed  2. wall-mounted  3. pendant  4. ceiling-mounted, and  5. track. Each has its primary and secondary uses and a space may require one or all of these lighting types in order to perform a specific task or set a desired mood.

This is a good time to proclaim: Chandeliers are no longer just for entryways!

Jerome Buttrick of Buttrick Wong Architects, notes about this splendid lighting form, "It's nice to have a chandelier over a kitchen island as it adds intimacy and scale to a room, although it should not compete with the dining room lighting."

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