Art And Artwork On A Budget (Continued)

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Swiss Alberto Giacometti is noted for his bronze objects that are thin and elongated, almost appearing as if they were without weight and inertia, their meager impression is increased by the contrast with the rather compact bases that Giacometti places them on.  Alberto Giacometti found his own unmistakable style, giving his figures a maximum in expression by reducing and densifying them.  The relation between figure and space became the central issue of his artistic work.

Swiss Alberto Giacometti Shown With Some Of His Sculptures

I would like to offer up some sculptures that have a 'Giacometti-esque style'; they are also beautiful, but are more affordable.
 "Walking Horses," Affordable Art Sculptures
 Available From Something Beautiful Shoppe,
 the Tallest is 22.5" High and 23" Long

This singular equine horse by Swiss Artist Alberto Giacometti , the "Cheval A La Tete Haute," French transl. of sculpture name is Horse With The Head High, is a bronze sculpture with a greenish brown patina, height is 6-5/8", circa 1978, sold at Christie's Auction for $39,175.

*End Post Update.

"Reaching For the Star," More Affordable Art Sculpture Available From Something Beautiful Shoppe
"Scooter," Sculpture More Affordable Art Sculpture Available From Something Beautiful Shoppe

Brian Kershisnik Contemporary Artist - Original Oil Paintings Sell for $50,000 Plus  

Dancing On A Very Small Island
"Dancing On A Very Small Island," Is Available As An Affordable Giclee Pigment Print Of An Original Oil Painting by Brian Kershisnik, Signed And Numbered By The Artist and Available at the Something Beautiful Shoppe

Stroll back up and note contemporary American artist Brian Kershisnik's "Young Astronomer," is the lead-in art for my article here.  Kershisnik's figures take on an ethereal, otherworldly quality, sometimes because of their apparent weightlessness, and at other times due to their quirky justapositions with other figures or props.  There is often a narrative element to the work, as if the viewer has just walked in on the delivery of the punch line to a joke that has just been uttered out of earshot.  His favorite themes tend to deal with family life and personal relationships. Though not overtly religious, some of his works have dealt with religious themes especially as they intersect family and personal relationships.

Brian Kershisnik artwork is hot and will only becoming hotter.

But, check this out - you can purchase limited edition, signed and numbered by Kershisnik, giclee prints at very reasonable amounts.

Brian Kershisnik
Brian Kershisnik is an American Contemporary Artist, Born in 1962, Who's Original Oil Paintings Are Going For $50,000 Plus.  Yeah, Kershisnik Has Some Talent


"Day Dreamer," figurative art piece by Jeanne Bessette

Emerging abstract and figurative artist Jeanne Bessette was featured in Art Business in an article entitled, "Success Out The Wazoo." The following is an excerpt from that publication.

"Jeanne is an emerging artist who is taking the East Coast by storm, and has now cast her eye on California.   With  9 galleries, and counting, she was on the  December cover of Art Business News, just landed two new commissions,contacted by even more galleries, approached by a school in British Columbia to teach workshops and a California agent  who works with placing art in corporations. Jeanne Bessette has this uncanny ability to wave a  magic wand, and viola!  Success."

Top Emerging Artists, "Art Business News," Jeanne Bessette (top row, 2nd from left)

"Woke Up Full Of Awesome," figurative art piece by Jeanne Bessette, Prints Available Summer 2013

Jeanne Bessette's art shown at the ArtEtude Gallery, Inc., located in Downtown Asheville, North Carolina

Jeanne Bessette's originals are more affordable, selling for under $10,000, she is considered an emerging artist whose paintings reside in numerous private collections in the United States and Canada. Ms. Bissette is an American contemporary abstract artist, her work influenced by Nathan Oliveira and Richard Diebonkorn. She works primarily in acrylics and mixed media.

Reminder:  Jeanne Bessette's prints will be available in Summer 2013.

Art collectors:  Keep your eyes on this woman.

Decorating with a rich palette is highly appealing but so often unfortunately exorbitantly expensive.  Artists that are on the rise (like Jeanne Bessette) offer originals that are more affordable as well as prints of her original artworks.  Similarly, Brian Kershisnik's magical art that is $50,000 plus can be in our living rooms, in limited edition prints, signed and numbered by him.  Again another approach to collecting art for our homes is purchasing high-style reproductions of original art pieces, like the Walking Horses Sculptures shown above, from the Something Beautiful Shoppe, that I call 'Giacometti-esque'.  They are high on appeal, at a lesser cost.

The Something Beautiful Shoppe is one of the few venues carrying art and artwork at affordable prices. 

Go embrace art and artwork for your home.

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