Equestrian Style Decorating

Whether you are a lifelong equestrian, an admirer of the
horse sport, or someone who just loves the equestrian look, having equestrian style in your home adds character and tradition. Home interiors done in an equestrian style have a special allure, even to those not into horses.

No doubt the equestrian style was popularized when Ralph Lauren hit the fashion world by storm. He made the two most expensive sports in the world - nautical and equestrian styles - livable for mainstream people. It became possible and affordable to have the sporting lifestyle look. And while many people suddenly took up stirrup pants and hunting jackets, decorating with equestrian style has been around for hundreds of years.

I'm familiar with the sport because my daughter Sarahjoy Crain, shown at top, has long competed in hunter jumpers and she is fortunate to be able to work at what is also her passion, as a horse trainer in Dallas, Texas at Elmstead Farm.

Two Divine Equestrian Ranch Estates:

Belgian Thoroughbred Home In Flanders -
From Architectural Digest: Interior Designer Jean-Jacques Hervy who studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and apprenticed with Parisian antiques dealer Didier Aaron before opening his own business in 1970 was brought on board for this special project, developing a house out of a barn - that wasn’t designed to be lived in.

The owners, a leading Belgian industrialist and his wife, a member of the French and Belgian Olympic dressage teams, developed a 30,000 square foot barn structure. They used the infamous Calumet Farm in Kentucky as their design scheme, including cedar boards painted white and trimming of red lacquer.

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