Okay, decorating and primping your home isn't a life requirement but anything that brings so much joy should be!
It's the inside of your home - you have free rein to exercise your whims and fancies. Consider the enjoyment that'd come everytime you walk into a room from the satisfaction of knowing that it quietly conveys the atmosphere of your favorite historical period or style of look. Or, that it sings theatrical and flamboyant . . . and why not, think of the fun in a dining room, or a sitting room where guests are entertained.
When you are thinking of decorating your walls, remember it is usually paint, stick ons and materials like wallpaper so one of the other joys to take note of is that it is so easily reversible. You can easily unpick and readjust parts of your scheme.
Following are some fun slices of walls that are being used as decoration - maybe not like your neighbors, but remember, these are ideas to help you determine what might be 'your' theatrical you .
Wallpaper is a classic in creating walls as art, but take a look at the following new patterns - they are SO much fun, from Rococo Wallpaper.
From their webpage:
" . . . Our nontraditional methods of research and design often border on the quixotic. Its like we are looking at the past under colored neon lights. We like to ask ourselves questions like: "What if Bootsy Collins played Versailles?" and "What if Andy Warhol did the windows at Buckingham Palace?" Nama Rococo is hand-painted and hand-screened, each paper sold in sheets and Nama Rococo considers each piece to be a masterpiece in itself .
Its not cheap; but consider also that because their colors and patterns rock harder than anyone else's, you can use a little bit of their paper to make a big impact on ONE wall and really change your entire room.
Don't you look at your walls differently now? Uum ...... enjoy!
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