Welcome To New Mexico, Now Create

Article From The New York Times

"FROM a distance they looked like any other tourists at the Taos Pueblo in New Mexico, trudging through a muddy, slushy January landscape in black boots and black parkas with cameras and video cameras in hand. But from the snatches of conversation you could tell they were artists of one sort or another.
"Passing by some adobe homes, Wael Shawky from Alexandria, Egypt, reflected on the importance of mud in buildings in rural Egypt and in his own large-scale installations. Nadine Robinson from New York and Scott Lyall from Toronto discussed the shape of the dwellings, debating whether Frank Lloyd Wright ever achieved such harmony with nature. And the Australian artist Nick Mangan asked around to see how much the mud bricks used to make an adobe oven cost, and where he might buy them.
"Then someone zoomed in for a close-up of a crumpled beer can in the snow, a photograph that may or may not end up in a work of art.
"These tourists had not come to New Mexico on vacation but on something of a creative mission: to develop site-specific projects for the 2008 Site Santa Fe Biennial, works that will be installed either in the exhibition’s 15,000-square-foot main gallery or around town this summer. "
To read this entire article, click here, Welcome to New Mexico. Now Create, New York Times

For More Info:
Site Santa Fe Seventh International Biennial Lucky Number Seven, Current.com
SITE Santa Fe Biennial Site, Artnet.Magazine

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